Paquette Consulting

Paquette Consulting - Ms. Suzan Schmekel’s Resumé

Organization and Classification Experience (1986 to 2016)

Associate of Paquette Consulting 613-424-2876

With more than thirty years' experience in communications, information, and related human resources management, as a communications specialist, a consultant, manager, and trainer, Suzan Schmekel has successfully advised dozens of communications executives and managers of the public and private service on organization and job design. She has written communications organizational strategies, and job/work descriptions for communications organizations at Heritage Canada, Communications Canada, Treasury Board, Industry Canada, and for the Communications Community Office of Treasury Board, and recommended approval of work descriptions for the DG Communications at Industry Canada. Suzan Schmekel is considered to be adept at solving organization structure and accountability problems, and for describing work accurately for classification purposes in particular for communications organizations and related occupational groups (IS, AS, CR, CO, CS, EC).


2016, June

Canadian Tourism Commission d.b.a. Destination Canada. Reviewed proposed marketing job descriptions submitted for classification, advised on allocation to the IS Group, and prepared draft IS job evaluation (classification) rationales. Reference: Philémon Paquette, President/Owner Paquette Consulting: Tel 613-841-1458, Fax: 613-841-3578, E-mail:

2016, April

Knowledge and Information Management Directorate (DKIM), DGEAS, ADM(IM), DND. Carried out updates of proposed information management AS job descriptions to reflect organizational changes and ensure consistency, language, spelling, grammar, etc. were accurate across five job descriptions. Reference: Philémon Paquette, President/Owner Paquette Consulting: Tel 613-841-1458, Fax: 613-841-3578, E-mail:

2015, May

Department of Fisheries and Oceans, EFM Aborigional Affairs, Integrated Commercial Fisheries Initiative. Carried out a quality control review of the English and French versions of final Statements of Merit Criteria and Conditions of Employment for a CO-02 and a PM-02 position for the Atlantic Integrated Commercial Fisheries Initiative (AICFI). Reference: Philémon Paquette, President/Owner Paquette Consulting: Tel 613-841-1458, Fax: 613-841-3578, E-mail:

2015, January

Department of Fisheries and Oceans, EFM Aborigional Affairs, Integrated Commercial Fisheries Initiative. Prepared a draft assessment of a candidate against the Statements of Merit Criteria and Conditions of Employment for a CO-02 position for the Atlantic Integrated Commercial Fisheries Initiative (AICFI). Reference: Philémon Paquette, President/Owner Paquette Consulting: Tel 613-841-1458, Fax: 613-841-3578, E-mail:

2014, November

Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council, Research Grants and Scholarships. Prepared French language introductory notes, and questions for distribution to NSERC staff as the basis for the conduct of consultations with NSERC staff on organization design and change management issues. Reference: Philémon Paquette, President/Owner Paquette Consulting: Tel 613-841-1458, Fax: 613-841-3578, E-mail:

2014, August 18 - September 30

Health Canada, First Nations and Inuit Health Branch Atlantic. Reviewed documentation on the FNIHB Atlantic administrative organization, reviewed and made suggested changes for development of questions for interviewing FNIHB Atlantic administrative staff, and participated in the conduct of thirteen (13) telephone interviews with individuals and groups to identify and record evidence of issues and concerns with respect to their AS and CR positions, discussed findings and reviewed the draft report and presentation to highlight changes recommended. Reference: Philémon Paquette, President/Owner Paquette Consulting: Tel 613-841-1458, Fax: 613-841-3578, E-mail:

2014, August

Department of Fisheries and Oceans, EFM Aborigional Affairs, Integrated Commercial Fisheries Initiative. Prepared first drafts of Statements of Merit Criteria and Conditions of Employment for a proposed PM-02 and a proposed CO-02 position for the Atlantic Integrated Commercial Fisheries Initiative (AICFI). Reference: Philémon Paquette, President/Owner Paquette Consulting: Tel 613-841-1458, Fax: 613-841-3578, E-mail:

2011, August - October

Statistics Canada, Human Resources Branch. Prepared minutes of meetings with the Director General and with HRB senior management, discuss issues with existing organization, and possible options, developed a preliminary plan for an all day session with the assistant directors, participated in a discussion with HRB senior management on the proposed org structures and proposed presentation, co-facilitated an all-day change management session October 23, and prepared the first draft of the final report with recommendations and options for the HRB Management team. Reference: Philémon Paquette, President/Owner Paquette Consulting: Tel 613-841-1458, Fax: 613-841-3578, E-mail:

2011, July

Industry Canada, Communications Research Centre Canada. Prepared a work description for the new position of Manager, Communications and Promotion (IS-06) received and discussed possible changes, produced a final text and a draft classification rationale. Reference: Philémon Paquette, President/Owner Paquette Consulting: Tel 613-841-1458, Fax: 613-841-3578, E-mail:

2011, May

IBEW for DND members. Reviewed and edited desk audit reports for positions at the MDN 202 Dépot d'ateliers for the IBEW making suggestions for changes for greater clarity. Reference: Philémon Paquette, President/Owner Paquette Consulting: Tel 613-841-1458, Fax: 613-841-3578, E-mail:

2011, February - June

Classification, Recruitment and Staffing Programs, Correctional Service Canada. Prepared job evaluation rationales for the creation or updating of PA-AS proposed or existing positions. Reference: Philémon Paquette, President/Owner Paquette Consulting: Tel 613-841-1458, Fax: 613-841-3578, E-mail:

2010, September – October

Updated the work descriptions, including the provision of draft classification rationales for the Canadian Transportation Agency. Reference: Jacqueline Bannister, Director of Communications. Tel: 819-953-7666, Fax: 819-953-8353, E-mail:, and Philémon Paquette, President/Owner Paquette Consulting: Tel 613-841-1458, Fax: 613-841-3578, E-mail:

2010, July – August

Communications and Law Information Unit, Family, Children and Youth Section, Policy Sector of Justice Canada. Provided a work description and draft classification rationale for a Head, Electronic Communications (IS-04). Reference: Janice Miller Tel: 613-957-4304 Fax 613-946-2211

2010, March – April

Provided work description writing and advice to CSB, PCO for an internal communication (IS) co-ordinator and provided the Client Services Results Statement as well as the Key Activities. Reference: Josée Dupuis Tel: 613-952-4920, E-mail

2010, 18 February – 31 March

Communications Research Centre, Industry Canada. Produced materials and advice needed for the reclassification of an IS-4 (Internet Planner) to an IS-5 (Chief, Electronic Communications) including the work description, draft classification rationale, and justification for the appointment for the manager. Reference: Louise Guay, Manager Communications and Promotion Tel: 613-991-6577, Fax: 613-998-5355,

2009, March

Human Resources and Skills Development Canada Provided drafting of classification rationales for the EC Conversion of HRSDC for a number of EC positions through Paquette Consulting. Reference; Philémon Paquette, PhD, Principal, Paquette Consulting, 613-841-1458

2009, 14 January – 30 June

Canadian Transport Agency, Communications Directorate. Provided job design and work description services for the Canadian Transportation Agency’s Communications Directorate, for the creation of twelve new IS and AS work descriptions for a new organization. Reference: Jacqueline Bannister, Director of Communications. Tel: 819-953-7666, Fax: 819-953-8353, E-mail:, and Philémon Paquette, President/Owner Paquette Consulting: Tel 613-841-1458, Fax: 613-841-3578, E-mail:

2006 – 2007

As Manager, Operations at the Communications Community Office, was responsible for providing advice to communications managers from all departments especially on IS classifications. Wrote job descriptions for staff in the AS and CS categories.


As Acting Director of two units in the Communications Branch at Industry Canada, was responsible for the rewriting of several IS and AS positions to ensure that they would clearly reflect the work being done by the incumbents.


As Manager of Corporate Planning and Internal Communications at Industry Canada, developed a unit to respond to the Department’s needs for internal communications, including the writing of job classifications and staffing positions. Was responsible for providing advice to other managers in the Branch on job classifications and managed the development of job descriptions of Branch personnel (IS, AS, and CR).

Provided the Director General with advice on IS and other communication-related positions being sent to him from other branches as required because of his functional responsibility for IS and other communication-related positions in the Department.


As a Communications Manager at Communications Canada, was responsible for internal communications that included the review of IS job descriptions, making recommendations for adjusting these to more clearly reflect the work being done by communicators.

1986 – 1994

As a principal with Baraka, Inc., consulted with federal government departments including CIDA, NRCan (then EMR) with respect to their organizational structures, allocations and responsibilities, classification of positions, especially those in the Administrative Group, and human resource management strategies. Was responsible for developing recommending changes to the duties of officers in the Ontario Department of Housing during as a result of a change in the mandate of the Branch responsible for the development of social housing.